

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique ( QHHT® ) is a form of hypnosis used to access that all-knowing part of ourselves that has been called the Super Conscious or Higher Self or your soul. When we incarnate on Earth, we forget our previous lives and connection to Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with the Super Conscious. The Higher Self is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to Source and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body.

QHHT is an amazing journey of your consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. Its is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. QHHT is an elegant remembrance of your soul's journey and why you chose to live this life at this time. It teaches you new ways of being and helps you move beyond old paradigms of thinking and being.The technique involves inducing an individual into a state of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep aka Theta brain waves. Historically, hypnotists have avoided conducting research with subjects in this state because of the often strange and inexplicable results that are recorded. Dolores Cannon begun her research of lost knowledge and reincarnation in the late 1960's by developing QHHT for past life regression sessions with her subjects.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique  allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious. With QHHT®, people are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are — and to ultimately create change within themselves.

A QHHT session will allow you to receive answers to questions you have always wondered about / experience a better understanding of yourself and your pivotal life events and relationships / find the origins of illness, dis-ease, fears, allergies /  acquire insight to things you innately love, talents you have and passions that come easily to you / have the greatest clarity you perhaps have had in this life /make changes to support your souls growth /follow your self-designed life path more efficiently / remove and heal physical, mental and emotional blockages, illnesses / raise your vibration, and much more!

A "typical" QHHT session consists of two parts: In the first part one or several Past Lives are experienced by the client. In the second part the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her “Subconscious” in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. Caught by surprise and influenced by the state of psychology at the times, Dolores Cannon named that part the “Subconscious”. Attention, though! It is not the subconscious referred to by psychology, which is the "childish" part of the mind that conventional hypnosis uses to stop smoking, lose weight, and other habits. The “Subconscious” we work with is also known as Higher Self.


What is the Higher Self?

Higher self (aka Soul,Higher Consciousness, Super Conscious etc) is a term which describes an eternal, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's TRUE self. I like to refer to this inner wisdom as the TRUE SELF. The part that is our true essence, intimately connected with GOD ( the Creator, The original life force energy). I have found that this description (The True SELF), has tremendously helped me and my clients understand, trust, and dive deep into the totality of the SELF ,their inner truth and make an easier connection. It's a term that defeats disconnectedness and applies Self Unification. Your Higher Self or True Self is, in simple terms, the highest aspect of you that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you still continues to move around in the third dimension. Your higher self is you.  You in the ether.  Your higher self is the real you, your total soul consciousness.  The you that is living here on Earth is just a projection of the consciousness of your higher self.  Your higher self is the more complete you, the one that isn’t being frustrated by the veil that draws down upon us when we incarnate that causes us to forget where we came from.  The higher self is the one in possession of your spiritual contract, the plan you made for yourself before you incarnated.  He or she has your instruction manual and your life plan in his/her hot little hands. Anchoring the wisdom of the Higher Self into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose.

The Higher Self, as you call it, is the self which exists with full understanding of the accumulation of experiences which have not yet been understood by the conscious self. It aids the entity in achieving healing, and assists in programming further life experiences.

The Higher Self may communicate with the person during the discarnate part of a cycle (in between lives) or during the physical incarnation, if the proper pathways or channels through the roots of mind are opened.

RA / The Law of One 

What is the structure of a QHHT session?

Please note that the duration of each “part” of the QHHT session is not rigid and it might slightly fluctuate in order to meet the needs of each session.

 Pre-Talk / 2 hours

Before a session begins, as much time as necessary will be taken to talk about the process itself and to go over the list of questions the client brings with them. We love to provide an environment in which one can feel comfortable, open, and safe. We start the process with an Interview about yourself, and a conversation where we review and discuss your areas of concern and clarify the questions that you would like to ask. This time is very important and serves as preparations for the Hypnosis session. As the QHHT practitioner, I will be the one communicating with your Higher Self, so it is essential that I get to know you as much as possible and understand exactly what it is you want to receive information about.

Hypnosis / 2 hours

(This part of the session will be recorded and the audio file will be sent to you after the session)

The Hypnosis section consists of two main components. The past life regression and the Higher Self communication.

Your QHHT Practitioner will use hypnosis to gently put you into a deep and comfortable state of trance. Many people whose knowledge of hypnotism comes from movies and stage shows misunderstand what hypnosis is really about. When in a hypnotic trance, you are neither unconscious nor asleep, but rather in a deeply relaxed state that renders the mind highly focused and ready to accept suggestions to help you accomplish your goal(s). In QHHT this means achieving a state of allowing in which specific information can come through in order to be experienced by you. What is true for everyone, though, is that the power of hypnosis actually resides in the client and not the hypnotist. Hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't want to do. It can succeed only in helping you get where you need to be, but you have to be ready and willing to go. After a very comfortable and relaxing induction, Past Life Regression is the first component of the QHHT experience. It involves the client being regressed and navigated by the QHHT Practitioner through an appropriate past life from the first scene they perceive, throughout various important periods of the life and eventually through to the death scene (which - if too traumatic to experience - can be witnessed from an observer's point of view). It is up to your Higher Self whether it will present to you one, several, or sometimes no Past Lives. They only select lives that are relevant to the current life of the client or providing an answer to a specific question on the list. We have heard the Higher Self explain at times that they did not show the client any Past Life because they want him/her to be "future-oriented", because it's just "not important", or because there simply are none due to the current life being the very first physical incarnation. We as practitioners have no influence on what the Higher Self decides to reveal or not.

After the Past Life segment of the session, the QHHT Practitioner will proceed to initiate contact and communication with the Higher Self, the portion of the client's consciousness that has a bigger perspective than their everyday conscious mind.

The Higher Self knows everything there is to know about the individual, the life they are living now and all the others. It "typically" comes through verbally by utilizing the client's mouth and vocal chords, but not always. As a rule, it will manifest itself in the way that is most appropriate for the client. It can come through loud and clear, it can make itself known non-verbally, or it may not make any "overt" appearance during the session but can provide information later during dream states or even the waking state. One thing is for sure, though: It is always present and wants to help. We cannot direct the Higher Self to manifest itself in any particular manner. Rather, our job is to facilitate the client's connection with his/her Higher Self, whatever way it will turn out. 

The QHHT Practitioner will be acting on the client's behalf and address all of the client's questions. Obtaining this information and having the whole dialogue recorded is crucial to the healing aspect of the technique, as it provides the client with comfort, support and greater understanding in many different areas of their life. The Higher Self will only share information that is appropriate at the time and of benefit to the individual.

The Higher Self has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body to a QHHT Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Higher Self is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Higher Self.

It must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. For example, the Higher Self of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. It is very literal in its thinking and will usually provide explanations. 

Post-Talk / 1 hour

After the client is brought up from hypnosis, enough time will be taken to fully arrive back in the conscious state. Some water and a little snack are provided to get the circulatory system going again. The QHHT Practitioner uses that time of the client's refreshment to outline the core information given by the Past Lives and the Higher Self.


Surrogate QHHT sessions are for people who are unable to undergo hypnosis for any reason (medical conditions, age, mental issues).A surrogate session in QHHT is when a client/patient can not have a session him or herself , but requires healing.  A practitioner can choose a close relative to be the surrogate .The “surrogate” is being hypnotized and we invite higher self of the person who requires healing.

So a volunteer (you or someone else) as his caretaker would do the session for him/her, meaning going through the whole process for him/her, without him/her needing to be present. And in this case, we ask permission that you connect with his/her  Higher Self or spirit guides.

How much does a session cost?

QHHT sessions are only available in person they last approximately 5 hours and they cost 350 EUR.

In case you have financial issues please let me know so we can discuss and find a solution

Book a QHHT session

I'm currently based in Berlin, Germany, yet I travel for one on one sessions if necessary. If you would like to book a private session or If you have any questions , please contact me by e-mailing me HERE (wemelt (at) gmail (dot) com) and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


If you are new to QHHT and would like to have a taste of these journeys, I have a selection of sessions on my YOUTUBE channel

“You must begin to trust yourself sometime. I suggest you do it now. If you do not then you will forever be looking to others to prove your own merit to you, and you will never be satisfied. You will always be asking others what to do, and at the same time, resenting those from whom you seek such aid.” Jane Roberts

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique FAQ

How much does a QHHT session cost?

The session costs 350 Euro. I also offer the possibility of a payment in 2 monthly installments. In case you have financial issues please let me know so we can discuss and find a solution.

How long does a QHHT session take?

Expect a bare minimum of approx. 5 hours of time together, (2 hours pre-talk, 2 hours hypnosis, 1 hour post-talk). Some sessions take longer, so please clear your whole day for our exploration as I do!  I book only one client per day. Arrangements can be made for couples to have back to back appointment days.

I would like to book a session with you but I have some questions. What should I do?

Please email me here, and I will be very happy to answer your questions.

 Is it possible to have a QHHT session in English, if it's not my mother language? For example a German person,  but who speaks English? I´m just wondering if the language might switch from English to German during the session.

The short and easy answer is yes, it is possible to have a session with someone in a language that is not their native tongue.While it is true that one enters a very relaxed state during a QHHT session, they really do remain in control at all times and that includes speaking the language of their choice to more easily communicate with their facilitator.

During the session can I connect with a loved one that has crossed over to the other side?

Yes! And this is one more spectacular option you have during such a kind of experience. It is quite common people ask for communication with people or even animals that have passed away. So if you choose to do that, we will do it during the second part of the session, where i will ask for permission from the departed soul, wether it’s willing to come through and communicate with us.

Will I be consciously aware of what is taking place during the session? 

Yes you will. You will be talking and answering my question regarding what you are experiencing and perceiving throughout the session. Often seeing other lifetimes is like watching a movie or reading a book while at the same time you are here. Some people are even wondering if they are actually hypnotized just because they are aware of everything that is happening inside and around you.

Will I remember what happened during the session afterwards?

Yes, most people do. Hypnosis is not anesthesia , so you will not be knocked out. Once you come out of the “hypnotic state” the theta brain waves, you will most likely be able to remember most of what happened, though with time it will fade just like a dream. That’s why we are recording the session, which you will receive afterwards.

Can my Spouse or Friend observe the session?

No, this is an extremely private therapy and is done only one-on-one.

 Am I going to see or experience something that I might don’t want to?

Absolutely not. Your Higher Self / Subconscious Mind would never give you anything that you’re not ready to know. What you will experience and the information that you will receive in the session are given in the most gentle and compassionate way possible, while at the same time acquiring the healing you require. You are always in charge throughout the session.

Do you have to believe in God or past lives for the session to work?

No, you need only to believe in the power of your own mind.

Do you offer QHHT sessions online?

No QHHT sessions are only available in person. If you would like to have an online session please consider a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) session

Do you travel to other cities to practice one on one sessions?

This is generally possible and works well. In case of out-of-town sessions, travel and - if necessary - accommodation expenses must be paid by the client.

Do you guarantee I will be healed? Do YOU heal me? 

    No guarantees of any kind are possible! ALL HEALING IS SELF HEALING. I am merely a guide and a facilitator to help you create your OWN HEALING. All answers and all health lies within YOU. Results are completely individual. I have seen astounding, even miraculous things happen in sessions or over time. I have seen improvement, sometimes significant, sometimes marginal. And I have seen little change as well.

I want to have a session. What about my expectations? How should I deal with them? 

It will be most supportive if you come with your questions and intentions without being attached to the outcome. In this state of trust and openness you attuned to receive the gifts of this experience.Release all expectations about how it will unfold. Whatever happens will be exactly what you need at this time in your journey. Know that the Universe has its own timing and reasons beyond the human mind’s control or understanding of the details.This is a video of Dolores Cannon on "Expectations."

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to see if a Quantum Healing Session is right for you. 

(Be honest with your answers, you don’t have to share them with anyone)

Do you believe that you are more than just your body?

Do you believe that you have the ability to affect, in any way, your own emotional or physical healing?

Do you believe that your self-healing abilities can be as powerful or even more powerful than any doctor or medicine or surgery?

Do you believe that you, or a part of you, either has existed in other realms, or exists in other realms currently?

Do you believe that your imagination has the capacity to provide useful input to your life?

Do you believe there exist things that are traditionally or scientifically NOT measurable or explainable that have validity and are worth pursuing?

Do you believe that your beliefs or your thoughts, or your feelings can affect your reality?

Do you believe that you are a part of the Creator (God, Source, Universe or World) and not something completely separate?


If you answered "yes" to most or even just several of these questions and are ready for a new way of looking at life, a Quantum Healing session may be exactly what you need right now. If you answered "no" to most or all of these questions, I might suggest you are not quite ready for a session. If you are searching for someone or something outside of yourself to "heal you" you might not be ready for Quantum Healing Hypnosis.



“A transformative and powerful experience that will open your mind, heart and imagination”

Dolores Cannon, founder of QHHT


For more information on QHHT please visit the OFFICIAL page here  

Source: dolorescannon.com