



2 Day Workshop

As a TSOTH ( The School of The Heart ) Certified Teacher, I offer the JOURNEYS INTO THE HEART Workshop. The School of The Heart was created thousands of years ago by the Masters who understood that the only way to remember who we really are is to reconnect with the energy of the heart. JOURNEYS INTO THE HEART is based on a series of experiences of Masters and Mystics from all over the world since the inception of the human race. It is one the most important spiritual works in the world that teaches people how to enter into the space of the heart.

It's been 13000 years since we left the heart and went into our brain. The fall of Atlantis the bible calls it the Fall.It is so long ago, that humanity doesn't even remember that there is another way to exist. The shift is a movement of spirit from the mind into the heart.

The whole Universe is in love with itself. We must go from our minds into our hearts, otherwise humanity and this planet is going to die.
There are countless prophecies from around the world, pointing out that Earth and humanity are moving into a new level of existence. It comes by many names such as ascension, 5D, New Earth, The shift , Age of Aquarius, Golden age, New Atlantis.
And the only way we can do that in a smooth harmonic way, (known and understood in ancient times) is by being centered in the heart and not in the brain.Today almost everyone on Earth is centered in their brain, and it is a real issue, because as we can see the world is collapsing because of it.

The heart contains the place where everything that we see in our external world, in our reality, is created. Your sacred heart is the Cave of creation. If we remember this and if we remember to live in this space, we will make this transition very easily and we will walk upon this planet in harmony and grace following the heart’s intuitive guidance and connected to al life everywhere. Remember, the heart is the center of your wholeness. The union of polarity. The opposite of lack. The Unity Consciousness. Tuning into your heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift!

Some of the exercises and meditations included in the Journeys into the Heart (Inner Path) Workshop: are

  • Healing (the 108 OM)

  • Re-Connection with Mother Earth, Father Universe and Higher Self

  • The Torus of the Heart

  • The Intuitive Way

  • The Navel Method

  • The Breathing Method

  • The Forgiveness Dance

  • The Heart Concentration Method

  • The Third Eye Way

There is movement associated with entering the sacred space of the heart. Without this movement, your brain only imagines that you are in the sacred space of the heart, but this is not true. In Journeys into the Heart, you will find exercises that show you how to move your spirit there. If you have never done this before, it may seem a little strange, but you will get it.

Your heart is the sacred gateway to the Universe and your True/Higher Self. This workshop will teach you the most important ancient teachings for those in the Ascension path and the New Earth! The master authorized to guide you into your heart is the spirit behind the eyes reading these words now. That is you.

Unlock the power of your heart and become resilient, energized, joyful, patient, mentally clear and intuitive. You will be lifting not only yourself and those you love and care about, but also the world in which you live.

This workshop is associated with the Awakening The Illuminated Heart seminar by Drunvalo Melchizedek. It provides the best preparation and practice for those who intend to attend the “Awakening The Illuminated Heart” seminar in the future and helps those who have already attended the ATIH seminar to further improve their practice on the Tiny Space Of Heart Meditation.


“The mind thinks, the heart knows”



Best gift ever / “I made myself a self birthday gift and I decided to book a Journeys into the Heart workshop. it was the most wonderful birthday gift I could have possibly gotten. it was a blessing to receive the teachings and even a bigger blessing to share time with Hara diving into beautiful talks and precious moments.
I am filled with joy and love.My boyfriend said to me after this weekend "I don't know what you did in the workshop but you should do it everyday".
Thanks Hara for your love and service.”
by Ornella

“Thank you Hara Katsiki for a wonderful weekend opening my heart, connecting to unconditional love and healing my wounds. Your Journeys into the heart workshop was such an uplifting and profound experience. Looking forward to dive deeper into self discovery! Bless you and your beautiful soul.” by Gogo Fotou

“"Journeys into the Heart" is truly a journey into your heart and Hara is a very good travel guide: authentic, warm, intuitive, caring, relaxed, experienced and connected to her own heart. The co-facilitators Jeremie and cat Brigitte have contributed to hold the space in a gentle, easygoing way and enriched the workshop energy with life music, calm presence and fun. A lovely training if you want to learn how to connect more to the own heart space.” by Water Priestess

“I would also thank u a million times for this amazing weekend and encounter. With no understatement but saying the plain truth: it was lifesaving for me........and very beautiful that I could share the most intimate spiritual beliefs without feeling condemned or treated as a lunatic...It gives me indescribable joy and strength to know that the ancient legends are true and that there is such amazing light beings like you guys that share this” by Nina N.

“I attended Hara's Journeys Into the Heart 2-day workshop. I feel fully re-connected to my heart, excited to wake up in the morning and be a light for others. From the bottom of my heart: merci, Hara! “ by Deborah C.